The 2007-2008 Shooting Stars

The 2007-2008 Shooting Stars
F: Charlotte, Ruri, Kayla, Sara Ro., Layla, Chloe, Megan, Sarah; B: Jordan, Kerry, Geena, Sara Re. Hannah, Zoe, Aimee, Susie, Ginger Photo by Phil Vachon

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2010 Reunion

It is probably a waste of time to update this, what with Facebook and all, but I have this vision that in 10 years, one of the players will stumble on this, somehow, and it will all be in one place.

Anyway, yesterday, we had a wonderful team reunion. Most of the team was there--Sarah F. had to leave early, Layla came a bit late, and Sara R., Kayla and Geena were not able to make it. But it was great seeing everyone again, and watching them reconnect on a beautiful evening, with great food. Even for the girls who see each other every day at school, the dynamic of just being with the team, and no distractions, was different.

Lots has changed in two years--the girls have grown up, and a bunch of them are going to college in the fall. I hope that they can keep this connection as they get older and move on with their lives, and keep the happy memories of a great trip and experience.