The 2007-2008 Shooting Stars

The 2007-2008 Shooting Stars
F: Charlotte, Ruri, Kayla, Sara Ro., Layla, Chloe, Megan, Sarah; B: Jordan, Kerry, Geena, Sara Re. Hannah, Zoe, Aimee, Susie, Ginger Photo by Phil Vachon

Monday, July 07, 2008

Captain's Post 2

From Sara Rod.

Hey parents, Today we started off with an early practice, everyone was still jet lagged but we pulled through it. After we all showered and ate breakfast we went on a island tour, we saw beautiful landscapes such as mountains and amazing beaches. We went to a Buddhist temple which is made without nails!!! In the temple was a giant Buddha and many fish. Then we went to a beautiful beach house which was amazing, the water was hotter and the waves were bigger then the beach we went to yesterday. We were all beat from the beach so we decided we would get shaved ice(it was awesome). Then we headed to the hotel and got ready for dinner. It was a fun day =D!